Top Accommodation Options for Travel Nurses on Assignment

Embarking on a travel nurse journey can be exhilarating, but finding suitable housing can often feel daunting, especially when traveling with pets. As a seasoned travel nurse who has successfully tackled housing challenges, I’m here to share invaluable insights and tips to help you navigate the process effortlessly. Choose a Travel Agency with Housing Support … Continue reading Top Accommodation Options for Travel Nurses on Assignment

The Ultimate Guide to Selecting the Best Travel Nursing Company

Are you considering a career as a travel nurse but feeling overwhelmed by the multitude of options available? I will tell you how to navigate the process of choosing the right travel nursing company and recruiter who will prioritize your needs and interests.  As your travel nurse mentor, I will share the must-have attributes that… Continue reading The Ultimate Guide to Selecting the Best Travel Nursing Company

Guide to Becoming a Travel Nurse: Steps to Secure Your Dream Assignment

Are you a nurse seeking exciting opportunities to travel while advancing your career? Discover the essential steps to becoming a successful travel nurse with this comprehensive guide. Steps to Become a Travel Nurse Meet Prerequisites and Requirements Ensure you possess an active nursing license and relevant certifications. While an Associate in Nursing is typically the… Continue reading Guide to Becoming a Travel Nurse: Steps to Secure Your Dream Assignment

Finding Your Fit: A Comprehensive Guide to Selecting the Ideal Travel Nurse Assignment

Finding your ideal travel nurse assignment is when the fun part starts, but it also involves a lot of decision-making and soul-searching. Several factors play into this decision, like pay, location, shift, and the reputation of the facility you’re considering.  First, you have to decide what your deal breakers are and what determining factors are… Continue reading Finding Your Fit: A Comprehensive Guide to Selecting the Ideal Travel Nurse Assignment

Destinations and Durations for Travel Nurse Assignments

Where can a career as a travel nurse take you? The possibilities are endless. As a travel nurse, you have a valuable opportunity to immerse yourself in new hospitals and new places. Healthcare facilities all over the U.S. use travel nurses, from prestigious teaching facilities to small community hospitals, outpatient surgery centers, and clinics.  You’ll… Continue reading Destinations and Durations for Travel Nurse Assignments

Unveiling the Vital Role: Why Hospitals Rely on Travel Nurses

Hospitals use travel nurses for several reasons, but the main point is that they need to fill in short-term employment gaps. They use travel nurses for several reasons: Staffing shortages  Hospitals sometimes face shortages of qualified nurses due to various factors such as high patient volumes, seasonal demands, crisis response, or staff absences. Travel nurses… Continue reading Unveiling the Vital Role: Why Hospitals Rely on Travel Nurses